First Rate Cleaning company profile!
First Rate Cleaning is located at 106 S. Stephenson St. in Cedarville, Illinois. We have provided Freeport and surrounding communities with many years of quality, dependable service. Currently, we service a very large area encompassing northern Illinois and southern Wisconsin.
Our company's goal is, through growth and expansion, to continue to tailor a cleaning package that best meets each individual customer's needs. We are very proud of our achievements and have a very personal business relationship with all of our clients. We have an honest and dependable cleaning staff that are truly concerned with customer satisfaction and strive to exceed our company's highest cleaning standards.
We feel it is important to always maintain a small business image. From 1998 to present, we have earned the trust and respect of over one hundred clients. I, Kristi K. Neubauer, founder and owner of First Rate Cleaning, am very proud of our accomplishments and aim to continue our success in the coming years.